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Affordable & Transparent Healthcare

I remember when healthcare was the #1 issue in America in the early 2010s. If anything, things have gotten worse since the early 2010s. Republicans have failed to introduce a common sense replacement for Obamacare whereas Democrats have pushed legislation empowering Big Pharma to levels unforseen in American history. The opioid epidemic was started by Big Pharma. Big Pharma has overprescribed our young boys with ADD/ADHD medications that have negative long-term effects. Our suburban mothers and young ladies are plagued by antidepressants and our therapists are too overwhelmed consulting teens who are confused about their gender to do anything but prescribe prescription drugs to their clients. We signed Right to Try during the previous administration and quickly turned our back on it during the COVID epidemic when families were prevented from receiving the medications they requested by political monsters who don’t know anything about science – but certainly know a thing or two about lobbyist money.

We must look at an overhaul the medical insurance industry in Arizona and incentivize plans that benefit the consumer – not the corporations and their stockholders. This can be done through a careful restructuring of the tax code when it comes to these insurance companies. I am in favor of policies which reduce healthcare premiums and increase competition within the insurance industry to lower prices for all Arizonans.