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Medical Freedom + Right To Try

Any and all “masking requirements” or “forced vaccinations” coming from the government I view as inherently unconstitutional and downright malevolent. Nobody is pushing this except for people who think they are smarter than you and better than you. Reality: they’re not.

We should never force people to inject anything into their bodies nor should we force them to wear anything in order to make others more comfortable. I have family who were forced to wear Yellow Stars before being murdered in 1940s Europe because it made the bureaucratic class more comfortable. I will never advocate for forced clothing/face coverings for any reason whatsoever. The government should have no say in your medical decisions. YOU DO YOU!

I am completely in favor of the Right to Try. President Trump’s Executive Order was a great start, but the COVID era showed its weaknesses. We ought to go further and ensure that every American has the Right to Try regardless of what state they are in and what doctors they have access to. Especially in cases of terminally ill patients, people ought to have the right to access experimental treatments that have not been fully approved by regulatory bodies such as the FDA.

Consult with your friends and doctors – never listen to political figures or talking heads when deciding on your personal health and medical choices.